Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

World’s biggest shark goes to school, thanks to 3-D printing – Research News

University of Florida researchers are taking down the Plexiglas walls between museum collections and K-12 classrooms with an educational program that uses 3-D printed fossils and hands-on lessons to spark young learners’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math. Known as iDigFossils,
“This is revolutionizing how kids interact with fossils by enabling them to have

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Mitsukurina owstoni – Discover Fishes

Goblin Shark Mitsukurina owstoni Not a great deal is known about this rare shark. Living in the deep ocean, the goblin shark catches prey by quickly projecting its jaw forward. This feature and its large extended snout prompted its fearsome name. Order – Lamniformes Family – Mitsukurinidae
Few specimens have ever been caught making it one of the rarest sharks.

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Megan Ennes spearheading new division of museum education – Research News

As a child, Megan Ennes dreamed of becoming a geologist – that is, until she discovered zoology. Zoology, in turn, was eclipsed by marine biology. What never wavered, though, was her family’s encouragement of her interest in science. Now, Ennes works with children and their families to ensure the
“If I could have written my own job description, it would have been this position

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Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

VENOMOUS Other common names Pigmy Rattlesnake, Pygmy Rattlesnake Basic description Most adult Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnakes are about 12-24 inches (30-61 cm) in total length. This is a very small snake, but it is thick for its size. The body color varies from light to dark gray, and a lengthwise row
They are not known to occur in the Florida Keys, but they have been found on some

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Good parenting evolved multiple times in moss animals – Research News

The spindly filaments and coral-like colonies of the ancient phylum of marine animals known as bryozoans likely aren’t the first thing that come to mind when you envision safe and protective child care. But a new study on the 600-million-year history of these obscure animals highlights the import
Cheilostomes have evolved specialized nursery cells multiple times throughout their

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Notes to Spiders – Exhibits

Our newest special exhibit Spiders Alive! has mixed reviews purely because of the residents – live spiders! We invited visitors to post their spider stories on our note wall and share the good, the bad and the funny! Here are some highlights from recent stories and notes left for our spiders, inc
Our residents might not have won everyone over, but they did change some opinions

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Clear as mud: The origins of early pottery in the Lucayan Islands – Research News

In our last “Talking Taino” we described a variety of ways that meals were prepared without clay pots. The invention of pottery vessels led to widespread sharing of the technology and almost universal adoption. Pots provided a superior method of cooking with liquids. Two significant reasons for adop
But within this basic recipe, people have developed innumerable variations to make

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Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery – Research News

Neill Wallis, associate curator of archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, explains Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery, including how it is made, and its importance in archaeology research. Funded by a National Science Foundation grant, Wallis is analyzing this style of pottery us
that we could eventually make these kinds of connections between sites once we have

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Dusky Shark – Discover Fishes

Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky sharks are wide-ranging coastal and pelagic species that prefer temperate to tropical waters. They are large-bodied, typically grey with dusky margins on the fins. They are an important fisheries resource, targeted and taken as bycatch around the world. Their fins are
Because dusky sharks are very slow growing, mature late and have small litters they

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