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Butterfly Rainforest Moment, butterfly feeding behavior – Exhibits

Spend a moment in our Butterfly Rainforest with Ryan learning about how some butterflies eat. Did you know, not all butterflies are pollinators that visit flowers? Some live in forest environments where limited sunlight means plants don’t often bloom so these species feed off of decaying material in
into the thick woods, be it temperate woods or tropical rainforests, you don’t have

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Five Facts: Limpkins in Florida – Research News

Limpkins, Aramus guarauna, are medium-sized wading birds with long legs and long, slightly curved beaks. Their bodies are covered in brown feathers, and their heads and elongated necks are accented with white flecks. They’re usually found in freshwater wetlands, swamps and mangroves. They are oft
They are often confused with juvenile American white ibis, which have pointier, more

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Third annual ‘Black in Natural History Museums Week’ kicks off Oct. 15 – Research News

The third annual Black in Natural History Museums week will take place Oct 15-21 with online and in-person events that highlight the past and present contributions of Black people to natural history museums. This year, the week’s program offers an exploration of the varied career paths within nat
As in previous years, new and returning participants will have the opportunity to

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Florida’s invasive amphibian and reptile problem leads world – Research News

During the 1800s, the world was going through transformations steered by war, invention, scientific innovation and the discovery of new land. The time period saw the collapse of some empires and the rise of others, from the British and Japanese to the booming United States of America. The Industrial
recent studies show the devastating effects these up to 20-foot-long creatures have

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Hexanchus griseus – Discover Fishes

Bluntnose Sixgill Shark Hexanchus griseus This large, deepwater shark is an example of significantly more primitive species found only as fossils. It has a broad, flat head, large green eyes, and a small, single dorsal fin far along its back. Average length is 15 to 16 feet long, and it is g
Juveniles have been reported from waters close inshore.

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Midland Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Common Watersnake Basic description Most adult Midland Watersnakes are about 24-30 inches (60-76 cm) in total length. Adults are stout-bodied and light brown with dark brown or reddish-brown crossbands near the neck, which are often outlined in black. These crossb
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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John Slapcinsky – People

Contact Florida Museum of Natural History Special Collections Building 3207 Hull Road University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 352-273-1829 Collection Invertebrate Zoology Education M.S., University of Virginia B.S., George Mason University Research Interests I
efforts to sample the terrestrial snails of the islands of New Guinea and Madagascar have

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Shark bites tied for 10-year low in 2022 but spiked in regional hotspots – Research News

The number of unprovoked shark attacks worldwide decreased last year, tying with 2020 for the fewest number of reported incidents in the last 10 years. According to the University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File, there were a total of 57 unprovoked bites in 2022, most of which occurred
“It’s likely that fatalities are down because some areas have recently implemented

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Cities are making mammals bigger – Research News

A new study shows urbanization is causing many mammal species to grow bigger, possibly because of readily available food in places packed with people. The finding runs counter to many scientists‘ hypothesis that cities would trigger mammals to get smaller over time. Buildings and roads trap and r
shifting body size are unknown, researchers cautioned that smaller animals may have

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