Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Sawfish Myths – Discover Fishes

A Fish Tale: Sawfish Fact and Fiction Through History By Carmen Elenberger For years sawfish carried a reputation as a formidable denizen of the deep. Their reputation was spread by writers such as Jules Verne, whose famous Captain Nemo instructed his sailors in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The
They have plenty of natural enemies- cachalots, swordfish, and sawfish- without your

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Move over, armadillos. There’s a new bone-plated mammal in town – Research News

Mammals are a bit odd when it comes to bones. Rather than the bony plates and scales of crocodiles, turtles, lizards, dinosaurs and fish, mammals long ago traded in their ancestral suit of armor for a layer of insulating hair. Armadillos, with their protective and flexible shell of imbricated bon
bone-plated mammal in town by Jerald Pinson • May 24, 2023 Armadillos have

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Animal Remains – Environmental Archaeology

Zooarchaeology at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Irvy R. Quitmyer Late in the Pleistocene epoch (ca. 14,000 B.P. – Before Present), Paleoindians entered North America across the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia. They spread across the landscape moving as far south as present day T
Although rare, their use would have added range to the animal portion of the diet

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Celebrating pollinators – Research News

The fourth week of June is National Pollinator Week. What exactly is a pollinator? Why are pollinators important? Why should we celebrate them? Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower, known as an anther, to the female part, or stigma. We don’t give this process much
How plants woo pollinators Flowering plants have developed a vast array of features

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Plant Remains – Environmental Archaeology

Archaeobotany at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Donna L. Ruhl Archaeobotany is the study of plant remains from archaeological sites. It is both the science and the art of recovering, identifying, and interpreting how plant remains were used in the past at archaeological sites. Archaeobot
For example, what plants they may have exploited for food, building construction,

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Butterfly Rainforest Moment, butterfly feeding behavior – Exhibits

Spend a moment in our Butterfly Rainforest with Ryan learning about how some butterflies eat. Did you know, not all butterflies are pollinators that visit flowers? Some live in forest environments where limited sunlight means plants don’t often bloom so these species feed off of decaying material in
into the thick woods, be it temperate woods or tropical rainforests, you don’t have

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Frantic February gives way to March Madness – Invertebrate Zoology

So February was crazy. Even by our usual standards of busy-ness, everything was just a little bit more hectic in February. There was a lot of background busyness in the form of job seminars. Most weeks, sometimes twice a week, the whole museum schlepped over to Powell Hall (the public face of the
Some of the recent new hires have already arrived (or will be arriving soon).

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Research Projects – The Kawahara Lab

Many projects take place in the lab with collaborators from other institutions. Some of these are listed below. For post-docs, students and volunteers interested in joining the lab, see the lab’s research opportunities. Anti-bat ultrasound production and sonar deflection With more than 160,000 spe
Bats are one of the primary predators of moths, and many moths are known to have

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Five Facts: Limpkins in Florida – Research News

Limpkins, Aramus guarauna, are medium-sized wading birds with long legs and long, slightly curved beaks. Their bodies are covered in brown feathers, and their heads and elongated necks are accented with white flecks. They’re usually found in freshwater wetlands, swamps and mangroves. They are oft
They are often confused with juvenile American white ibis, which have pointier, more

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Third annual ‘Black in Natural History Museums Week’ kicks off Oct. 15 – Research News

The third annual Black in Natural History Museums week will take place Oct 15-21 with online and in-person events that highlight the past and present contributions of Black people to natural history museums. This year, the week’s program offers an exploration of the varied career paths within nat
As in previous years, new and returning participants will have the opportunity to

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