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Brown Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Brown Water Snake Basic description Most adult Brown Watersnakes are about 30-60 inches (76-152 cm) in total length. These stout-bodied snakes are light tan with squarish darker brown blotches down the middle of the back. Dark squarish markings also extend upwards
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Pollination ecology and conservation – Daniels Lab

Research in the Daniels Lab focuses on areas of managed green space in urban and suburban environments that are often overlooked in the context of conservation efforts, including roadsides, residential yards, and utility rights of way. In recent years, both wild and domesticated insect pollinators h
In recent years, both wild and domesticated insect pollinators have suffered major

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World’s biggest shark goes to school, thanks to 3-D printing – Research News

University of Florida researchers are taking down the Plexiglas walls between museum collections and K-12 classrooms with an educational program that uses 3-D printed fossils and hands-on lessons to spark young learners’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math. Known as iDigFossils,
“This is revolutionizing how kids interact with fossils by enabling them to have

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Mitsukurina owstoni – Discover Fishes

Goblin Shark Mitsukurina owstoni Not a great deal is known about this rare shark. Living in the deep ocean, the goblin shark catches prey by quickly projecting its jaw forward. This feature and its large extended snout prompted its fearsome name. Order – Lamniformes Family – Mitsukurinidae
Few specimens have ever been caught making it one of the rarest sharks.

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Extinct Caribbean bird’s closest relatives hail from Africa, South Pacific – Research News

In a genetic surprise, ancient DNA shows the closest family members of an extinct bird known as the Haitian cave-rail are not in the Americas, but Africa and the South Pacific, uncovering an unexpected link between Caribbean bird life and the Old World. Like many animals unique to the Caribbean,
relatives of cave-rails, were large, flightless birds with big beaks that could have

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Soils – Environmental Archaeology

Archaeopedology at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Sylvia J. Scudder The Site Setting Volusia County, FL is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and the west by the St. Johns River. The landscape is formed from a series of beach ridges and terraces that accumulated tens of thousa
lakes and marshes provide a rich variety of habitats and animal resources that have

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Family tree of ‘boring’ butterflies shows they’re anything but – Research News

Walk a short distance through the Amazon Rainforest, and you might witness what look like dead leaves launch from the ground and fly off into the understory. These masters of disguise are euptychiines, one of the most diverse and least understood groups of butterflies in the American Tropics. The
the rainforests of Peru and Brazil, but even the most seasoned butterfly experts have

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Southern Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Banded Watersnake, Florida Watersnake Basic description Most adult Southern Watersnakes are about 22-42 inches (56-107 cm) in total length. These are stout-bodied snakes with broad black, brown, or red crossbands (often bordered with black) down the back. The ligh
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Notes to Spiders – Exhibits

Our newest special exhibit Spiders Alive! has mixed reviews purely because of the residents – live spiders! We invited visitors to post their spider stories on our note wall and share the good, the bad and the funny! Here are some highlights from recent stories and notes left for our spiders, inc
Our residents might not have won everyone over, but they did change some opinions

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Clear as mud: The origins of early pottery in the Lucayan Islands – Research News

In our last “Talking Taino” we described a variety of ways that meals were prepared without clay pots. The invention of pottery vessels led to widespread sharing of the technology and almost universal adoption. Pots provided a superior method of cooking with liquids. Two significant reasons for adop
But within this basic recipe, people have developed innumerable variations to make

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