Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Diamond-backed Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS  Other common names Diamondback Watersnake, Northern Diamond-backed Watersnake Basic description Most adult Diamond-backed Watersnakes are about 30-60 inches (76-152 cm) in total length. These stout-bodied snakes are light grayish-brown with a dark chain-like pattern down the entire
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Brown Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Brown Water Snake Basic description Most adult Brown Watersnakes are about 30-60 inches (76-152 cm) in total length. These stout-bodied snakes are light tan with squarish darker brown blotches down the middle of the back. Dark squarish markings also extend upwards
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Teaching & Learning: Virtual Camps Pt 1 – For Educators

As you can probably imagine, teaching a virtual museum summer camp is quite different than teaching a traditional in-person camp but challenging times call for rising to the challenge, especially when it comes to creating positive experiences for our campers. And, as it turns out, many nuances of th
I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.

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Move over, armadillos. There’s a new bone-plated mammal in town – Research News

Mammals are a bit odd when it comes to bones. Rather than the bony plates and scales of crocodiles, turtles, lizards, dinosaurs and fish, mammals long ago traded in their ancestral suit of armor for a layer of insulating hair. Armadillos, with their protective and flexible shell of imbricated bon
bone-plated mammal in town by Jerald Pinson • May 24, 2023 Armadillos have

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Soils – Environmental Archaeology

Archaeopedology at the Lake Monroe Outlet Midden (8VO53) By Sylvia J. Scudder The Site Setting Volusia County, FL is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and the west by the St. Johns River. The landscape is formed from a series of beach ridges and terraces that accumulated tens of thousa
lakes and marshes provide a rich variety of habitats and animal resources that have

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Family tree of ‘boring’ butterflies shows they’re anything but – Research News

Walk a short distance through the Amazon Rainforest, and you might witness what look like dead leaves launch from the ground and fly off into the understory. These masters of disguise are euptychiines, one of the most diverse and least understood groups of butterflies in the American Tropics. The
the rainforests of Peru and Brazil, but even the most seasoned butterfly experts have

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Frantic February gives way to March Madness – Invertebrate Zoology

So February was crazy. Even by our usual standards of busy-ness, everything was just a little bit more hectic in February. There was a lot of background busyness in the form of job seminars. Most weeks, sometimes twice a week, the whole museum schlepped over to Powell Hall (the public face of the
Some of the recent new hires have already arrived (or will be arriving soon).

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Research Projects – The Kawahara Lab

Many projects take place in the lab with collaborators from other institutions. Some of these are listed below. For post-docs, students and volunteers interested in joining the lab, see the lab’s research opportunities. Anti-bat ultrasound production and sonar deflection With more than 160,000 spe
Bats are one of the primary predators of moths, and many moths are known to have

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Sawfish Myths – Discover Fishes

A Fish Tale: Sawfish Fact and Fiction Through History By Carmen Elenberger For years sawfish carried a reputation as a formidable denizen of the deep. Their reputation was spread by writers such as Jules Verne, whose famous Captain Nemo instructed his sailors in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The
They have plenty of natural enemies- cachalots, swordfish, and sawfish- without your

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Celebrating 20 Years – McGuire Center

Letter from the McGuire Center’s Director It has been 20 years since the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity opened thanks to the visionary support of Dr. Bill and Nadine McGuire and the dedicated commitment of founding director Dr. Thomas Emmel. We are proud of what has been accomplish
Gifts of collections have doubled the size of our specimen holdings, and we now have

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