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Doug and Pam Soltis in top 1% of most highly cited scientists – Research News

Doug and Pam Soltis of the Florida Museum of Natural History were recognized last month as being in the top 1% of highly cited researchers. This year’s list, which was curated and published by the analytical organization Clarivate, lauded researchers from around the world whose work has significantl
The Soltises have collectively published more than 600 scientific papers that have

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Crocodilian Collection – Research News

Coleman Sheehy, the herpetology collection manager at the Florida Museum of Natural History, discusses the crocodilian collection, including what species are in it, and how the collection is used. Interview and videos produced by Gage Chancey for Explore Research at the University of Florida.
But nonetheless, we have every single one of those specimens represented — every

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Florida Museum Marine Invertebrate Collection – Research News

Gustav Paulay, invertebrate zoology curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History, describes what it takes to create and build a museum marine invertebrate collection. The Florida Museum’s nationally renowned collection is also the country’s fastest growing. Paulay also explains a museum project
So in order to do that we have collections, and we can go to the collections and

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Plain-bellied Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Yellow-bellied Watersnake, Red-bellied Watersnake Basic description Most adult Plain-bellied Watersnakes are about 30-48 inches (76-122 cm) in total length. Adults are thick-bodied and are uniform greenish gray or reddish-brown in color with no patterning on the b
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Florida Green Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Florida Green Water Snake Basic description Most adult Florida Green Watersnakes are about 30-55 inches (76-140 cm) in total length. Adults are stout-bodied snakes and may be greenish, brownish, or orangish, with no real distinctive markings other than dark speckl
They have not been recorded in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Holmes counties

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Saltmarsh Snake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Saltmarsh Watersnake, Atlantic Saltmarsh Watersnake, Gulf Saltmarsh Watersnake, Mangrove Saltmarsh Watersnake Basic description Most adult Saltmarsh Snakes are about 15-30 inches (38-76 cm) in total length. Color patterns of these snakes are extremely variable. Ad
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Five Facts: Bees in Florida – Research News

While we often think of bees as fuzzy, black and yellow-striped buzzy insects that live in hives like the honey bee, the truth is more gorgeous and diverse than that! Honey bees do a lot of agricultural labor for humans and are very important to farming, but here in North America most of these domes
In fact, people who identify bees for a living often have to look at really small

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Underbite regained: Species feared extinct is the only frog with true teeth on its lower jaw – Research News

In a new study, biologists laid to rest a century-old debate by confirming that a single species of frog, out of the more than 7,000 living today, has true teeth on its lower jaw. The culprit, a large marsupial frog named Gastrotheca guentheri, has puzzled scientists since its discovery in 1882 for
This rare species, for which there have been no reported sightings since 1996, is

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