Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Research – Panama Canal Project (PCP PIRE)

Opportunities are available at UF and partnership institutions for students to learn about and to undertake projects in different aspects of paleontology, geochronology, sedimentary geology and tectonics. A list of peer-reviewed journal articles can be accessed on our Publications page.  Short synop
for the resolution of several relationships among extant cone snail species and have

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Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery – Research News

Neill Wallis, associate curator of archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, explains Swift Creek Complicated Stamped Pottery, including how it is made, and its importance in archaeology research. Funded by a National Science Foundation grant, Wallis is analyzing this style of pottery us
that we could eventually make these kinds of connections between sites once we have

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Third annual ‘Black in Natural History Museums Week’ kicks off Oct. 15 – Research News

The third annual Black in Natural History Museums week will take place Oct 15-21 with online and in-person events that highlight the past and present contributions of Black people to natural history museums. This year, the week’s program offers an exploration of the varied career paths within nat
As in previous years, new and returning participants will have the opportunity to

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New fish species discovered after years of popularity in the aquarium trade – Research News

With just a few clicks of a mouse, you can purchase your very own redtail garra, a type of fish that feeds on algae. Information about the fish’s biology, however, is much less easily obtained. That’s because redtail garra, although popular in the aquarium trade since at least the early 2000s, has u
The locality is isolated and difficult to reach, so wild redtail garras have existed

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New hawk moth species are among the smallest ever discovered – Research News

Hawk moths are known for being some of the largest night fliers in the insect world. With wingspans of more than four inches, many species are big enough to comfortably fill the palm of your hand. Thanks to the work of a small team of researchers at the Florida Museum of Natural History, three new s
smallest ever discovered by Brian V Smith • July 11, 2022 Researchers have

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Florida’s invasive amphibian and reptile problem leads world – Research News

During the 1800s, the world was going through transformations steered by war, invention, scientific innovation and the discovery of new land. The time period saw the collapse of some empires and the rise of others, from the British and Japanese to the booming United States of America. The Industrial
recent studies show the devastating effects these up to 20-foot-long creatures have

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Shark Conservation & Research – Discover Fishes

What is the practice of finning? In most commercial fisheries, shark meat is considered of low value and sharks are often discarded at sea rather than landed at port. Their fins, on the other hand, are worth quite a lot in the Asian shark fin soup market. This has caused many fishermen to cut t
and dying, and feeding on larger animals such as whales, seals, and tuna, which have

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Teaching – Mammals Collection

Teaching in the Caribbean islands Our collecting throughout the Caribbean has taken us to many islands. Before each trip we inquire about the local schools and arrange a trip to visit one or more. These trips are used to explain to the students why we are visiting their island, and why we value the
specimens of local bats with us to allow the children to see them up close–most never have

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Northern Mole Kingsnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Mole King Snake Basic description Most adult Northern Mole Kingsnakes are about 30-42 inches (76-107 cm) in total length. Adults are gray, brown, or orangish, with typically around 55 black-bordered reddish-brown blotches down the body and tail. Older individuals
other species Red Cornsnake (Pantherophis guttatus) Non-venomous Eastern Cornsnakes have

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Midland Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Common Watersnake Basic description Most adult Midland Watersnakes are about 24-30 inches (60-76 cm) in total length. Adults are stout-bodied and light brown with dark brown or reddish-brown crossbands near the neck, which are often outlined in black. These crossb
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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