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Panama Canal expansion rewrites history of world’s most ecologically diverse bats – Research News

Most bats patrol the night sky in search of insects. New World leaf-nosed bats take a different approach. Among the more than 200 species of leaf-nosed bats, there are those that hunt insects; drink nectar; eat fruit; munch pollen; suck blood; and prey on frogs, birds, lizards and even other bats. T
from Central America by Jerald Pinson • February 20, 2024 Researchers have

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Plain-bellied Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Yellow-bellied Watersnake, Red-bellied Watersnake Basic description Most adult Plain-bellied Watersnakes are about 30-48 inches (76-122 cm) in total length. Adults are thick-bodied and are uniform greenish gray or reddish-brown in color with no patterning on the b
Cottonmouths have vertically elliptical (cat-like) pupils, whereas watersnakes have

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Notes From Nature celebrates 10 years of community science – Research News

There are more than 1,000 natural history museums around the world, each tasked with studying and preserving a portion of our planet’s natural and cultural heritage. Notes From Nature is an online platform that allows anyone with an internet connection to advance that mission by helping move valuabl
• May 2, 2023 Since it got its start in 2013, more than 18,000 volunteers have

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North America’s rarest snake found biting off more than it could chew – Research News

North America’s rarest snake, Tantilla oolitica (rim rock crowned snake), was recently spotted in a park in the Florida Keys after a four-year hiatus. While this would normally be cause for celebration among conservationists, the snake sighting was more a source of incredulous awe than anything else
The fatal duel marks the first time that scientists have observed the snake’s eating

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Florida Green Watersnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS Other common names Florida Green Water Snake Basic description Most adult Florida Green Watersnakes are about 30-55 inches (76-140 cm) in total length. Adults are stout-bodied snakes and may be greenish, brownish, or orangish, with no real distinctive markings other than dark speckl
They have not been recorded in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Holmes counties

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Florida Museum receives NAGPRA grant to aid repatriation efforts – Research News

The Florida Museum of Natural History has received a consultation/documentation grant for $99,897 from the National Park Service this month. The grant was one of several given to 16 tribal nations and 28 museums to support repatriation efforts. The Park Service distributed a total of $3.4 million th
As of 2022, museums across the country have returned 1.86 million funerary items

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Mysterious fruit shown to be the oldest-known fossils of the Frankincense and Myrrh family – Research News

Early in the 1970s, a paleontologist working on the outskirts of an Indian village found small, bead-like fossils embedded in the gray chert dotting the surrounding fields. The site was notorious for turning up plant fossils that were difficult to identify, including the fruit of an extinct species
and Myrrh family by Jerald Pinson • December 19, 2023 Paleontologists have

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Archaic Period – Environmental Archaeology

Middle Archaic in the Greater Southeast and Northeast Florida By Kenneth E. Sassaman, May 2001 Until recently, the Middle Archaic period of ca. 8000 to 5000 years ago was regarded by archaeologists as a time of small, mobile, hunter-gatherer populations whose cultural differences could be explaine
In some cases the change may have entailed permanent settlement of riverine sites

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Brahminy Blindsnake – Florida Snake ID Guide

NON-VENOMOUS, NON-NATIVE Other common names Brahminy Blind Snake, Flowerpot Snake Basic description Most adult Brahminy Blindsnakes are about 4.4–6.5 inches (11.2–16.5 cm) in total length. These snakes are small, thin, and shiny silver gray, charcoal gray, or purple. The head and tail both appea
They have now been found from Key West north throughout much of the peninsula, and

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