Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

The EU’s common transport policy – EU2020 – EN

What are the origins and scope of transport policy in the EU, and what challenges do we face today? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the series “Looking back, looking ahead” on the occasion of the Informal Video Conference of EU Transport Ministers on 29 October.
dramatic growth, while other modes of transport such as rail or inland shipping have

We stand shoulder by shoulder with the peaceful demonstrators – EU2020 – EN

The elections in Belarus were „neither free nor fair“ said the Chancellor after the members of the European Council met. Together, she reported, the European Council has condemned the use of violence in the country and advocated a dialogue between the government, the opposition and civil society.
“The courage of those who have demonstrated peacefully has impressed us.”

COVID-19 coordination and dialogue with European youth: Michal Roth chairs virtual meeting of ministers for European affairs – EU2020 – EN

The future in focus: under the auspices of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, young “ambassadors” will present their vision of the EU in ten to 15 years. The fight against COVID-19 is also on the agenda. 
environmental protection, energy, the politics of asylum and digitalisation, that they have

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas: Strengthening the rule of law in the EU significantly – EU2020 – EN

In July, EU leaders agreed that the disbursement of EU budgetary funds can be linked to upholding rule of law standards. Today an agreement was reached with the European Parliament on the introduction of a rule of law conditionality.
Many countries have been badly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Berlin: These topics are on the agenda – EU2020 – EN

In the context of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Informal Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, also known as Gymnich, will take place in Berlin on 27-28 August 2020. A press conference will be livestreamed beginning at 14.10.
These courageous citizens have taken to their country’s streets to protest against

Ahead of the Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Berlin: Maas travels to Athens and Ankara – EU2020 – EN

Due to the tense situation in the eastern Mediterranean, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is flying to Athens and Ankara today. Relations with Turkey will also be a topic at the Meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Berlin on Thursday.
extended the activities of the research vessel “Oruc Reis”, and both Turkey and Greece have

German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer on the European Commission’s Pact on Migration and Asylum: Good basis for discussions with member states – EU2020 – EN

The European Commission today presented its proposal for a European Pact on Migration and Asylum. The proposed pact seeks to reorient and modernise the European Union’s migration and asylum policy.
currently no functioning European migration policy, as the recent events in Moria have

German Research Minister Karliczek: EU member states reach agreement on Horizon Europe – EU2020 – EN

Chaired by German Research Minister Anja Karliczek, the meeting of the Competitiveness Council (Research and Innovation) in Brussels on 29 September achieved an important milestone towards the start of the Horizon Europe programme at the beginning of 2021.
overall programme can only be formally adopted when the three institutions mentioned have

Minister of Agriculture Klöckner: Europe confirms its commitment to a sustainable and economically viable agri-food industry – EU2020 – EN

Chaired by the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council today unanimously adopted Council conclusions on the Farm to Fork Strategy. A further objective of the German Council Presidency for the agricultural sector has thus been achieved.
The Strategy outlines 27 actions and also takes up important initiatives that have