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A trio working together for the EU: Federal Minister Altmaier and his Portuguese and Slovenian counterparts prepare handover of Council Presidency – EU2020 – EN

Today, Federal Minister Peter Altmaier and his Portuguese and Slovenian counterparts will be holding a video conference to prepare for the Presidency of the Council of the EU to be handed over to Portugal for the first semester of 2021 and to Slovenia in the second semester of 2021.
Says Economic Affairs Minister Altmaier: In the past six months we have been chairing

The impact of COVID-19 on voluntary return and reintegration programmes – best practices and remaining challenges – Part 2 – EU2020 – EN

In order to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary return and reintegration programmes, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and the Federal Ministry for…
Among others, the following questions will be addressed: Which activities have been

Breakthrough for third-state participation in PESCO projects: Agreement achieved after years of negotiations – EU2020 – EN

As of 5 November, third states can participate in defence projects of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) of the European Union. The compromise proposed by Germany was accepted on 28 October 2020 in Brussels.
negotiations Content German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer: „We have

“It’s good to do something for the environment as a team” – EU2020 – EN

Together with her classmates, Jovena Lesny collected and documented plastic waste on the banks of the Rhine in Düsseldorf. Her work was part of an initiative by the German Ministry of Education and Research, which is launching across Europe. Here, Jovena tells us about her experiences.
In the water, we found many pieces of plastic packaging which people could have disposed

Opening of the European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) in Berlin: We want to pool our know-how – EU2020 – EN

The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management (CoE) opens its doors on 17 September in Berlin. International partners will work together to defuse conflicts through civilian means.
German Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas declared: All crises in our neighbourhood have

German Research Minister Karliczek: We are going to strengthen and facilitate European research cooperation – EU2020 – EN

At their last meeting under the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, European research ministers set the course for research and innovation to support Europe’s economic recovery.
We have made good progress in the sectoral negotiations with the European Parliament

The impact of COVID-19 on voluntary return and reintegration programmes – best practices and remaining challenges – Part 1 – EU2020 – EN

In order to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on voluntary return and reintegration programmes, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and the Federal Ministry for…
Among others, the following questions will be addressed: Which activities have been