Long distance relationships – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/board/ftopic3693.html
Mär 2007 00:08 Can you imagine to have a partner that lives in another country or
Mär 2007 00:08 Can you imagine to have a partner that lives in another country or
However, I don’t have any practical experience in this profession.
I wrote an application and now I hope someone will have pity on me and correct it
Soon I’m 18 and then I want to have my driving licence. I have an older sister.
I am at my wits‘ end because I do not see any progresses.I have been reactivating
When you have read a lot of English books than you can remember about a lot of new
How long have you done Parachuting? 2.
I have been learning English for 20 years now – what makes my case a peculiar one
oder sollte die Frage so lauten: Where have you done your training?
Bei dem Satz: You simply have to learn English for the test. steht es jedoch an zweiter