english conversation – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/board/ftopic7869.html
advertisment and thought to myself – it could be interesting to found somebody to have
advertisment and thought to myself – it could be interesting to found somebody to have
Jan 2013 15:47 Hello everyone I have wrote my first short English story today.
, I´m looking for someone who wants to speak with me in English, because I will have
I have msn, icq and skype. At skype we can speek english together.
😀 I try to learn it about 3 years but it’s difficult for me because I have not
Moni: But… I want to have an abortion. Katja: Stop!
I´m really sorry for my lots of mistakes Guess, I have to tell a bit about myself
When you have a question , ask me. Chaste regards, AbcMyCraft.
Phrasal verbs, Verben und Präpositionen im Englischen – Einsetzübung
So I have to my baby-brother. Lösung: My parents are out.
Sep 2007 13:02 Hi In about 2 weeks I`ll have an english test (Berufsreifeprüfung