Past simple or continuous – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
da noch ein paar fragen: bin mir nicht sicher ob meine Antworten stimmen. a, I have
da noch ein paar fragen: bin mir nicht sicher ob meine Antworten stimmen. a, I have
But now I have a new challenge: I want to write the First Certificate next December
The have got has got to go.
I’ve been involved in language education for about 15 years and have published a
I’ve lost my husband and have to deal with the situation of raising my children.
We are happy to have you here too.
I’m from St‘ Petersburg, Russia, but I have been living in Germany since few years
Simple Past, Present Perfect, Zeiten, Aussagesätze, Fragen, Verneinungen, Einsetzübung – Englisch Lernen Online
(not/to play – to be) Lösung: I have not played tennis since I was at school.
Because of school I do not have the time to skype!
Apr 2007 22:37 Good evening, I have now been looking for a book I once held in my