From foreign to native speaker – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
week, but it depends on how familiar I am with the topic and how much spare time I have
week, but it depends on how familiar I am with the topic and how much spare time I have
Maybe we can have an nice conversation or something like that?
Jun 2020 20:15 1) Original: Discarded single-use plastics have become an international
Übersicht über Verben, die Zustände ausdrücken und Verben, die für Tätigkeiten stehen, HInweise und Beispiele
have im Sinne von besitzen I have a new computer. — have im Sinne von essen I
Other than that I have been started learning to sew one year ago and have a lot of
) In school i have problems to write an textual analysis for an short story.
2018 16:54 Hey, I wrote a Blog Comment and I would appreciate it, if you could have
the Central Criminal Court, that place from which so many notorious wrongdoers have
I have done many researches about the differences between „Realschule“ and „Gymnasium