Ask questions / negate – Teil 2 Hilfe für MO – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
What does Mary often have with her parents?
What does Mary often have with her parents?
Die Rede von Bill Clinton zur Amtseinführung 1993
But we have not done so.
Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten von Present Perfect und Simple Past in einer Gegenüberstellung
Bejahte Aussagesätze Present Perfect Simple Past I have played football.
Mär 2007 16:03 Hi, i have to write my english test tomorrow and i know what is going
Idiome wie sie von Muttersprachlern in Briefen und E-Mails verwendet werden in einer Übersicht mit deutscher Übersetzung
We have a plan which will be put into action.
Could you have a look whether they are correct, please? 1.
I have waited in the cold for almost an hour.
Jul 2018 22:19 Hello, I just want to ask whether you have any tips for me how I
First of all, it is true that you need money to have/buy some essential things.
Und: „It is concerning that the subcommitee seems to have reached its conclusion