Stellungnahme Stiftungen – EKD
for a foundation Neither EKD nor its member churches are foundations, but they have
for a foundation Neither EKD nor its member churches are foundations, but they have
sounds modest, but you can imagine that it is of some importance for the view we have
Both GKKE and EKD with its Special Envoy Volker Faigle have been active with the
Bishop Christian Stäblein – June 4, 2024, Berlin, St. Marien
It would have been an honor and a pleasure for us, we would have loved to celebrate
challenges are many and the financial resources are few; the European Union will have
These comments have been developed in close cooperation particularly with the Brussels
Bibelarbeit zum Schwerpunktthema der Synode 2019 „Auf dem Weg zu einer Kirche der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens“
In Latin America, we have gone through this process.
Only a free movement of these products allows patients to have access to these innovative
It shows that hate crimes have increased by 11,2 % from 2012 – 2013 (
Die Proben zum ökumenischen Chormusical Martin Luther King in Essen haben begonnen
Kings berühmter Satz „I have a Dream“ stehe für die Gleichwertigkeit aller Menschen