Do Waves have Rights?
Do Waves have Rights?
Infos für Ihren Besuch Kontakt +49 471 482 07 0 Suche: Do Waves have
Do Waves have Rights?
Infos für Ihren Besuch Kontakt +49 471 482 07 0 Suche: Do Waves have
Open Histories is an exhibition investigation project at the German Maritime Museum (DSM) – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History
Sometimes we have to question exactly what seems obvious at first glance.
Nachbericht der virtuellen Veranstaltung zu Nachhaltigkeit und Arbeit in maritimen Industrien.
First, in the last decades tensions between enclosures and privatization regimes have
Workshop report: „Blue Economy and the SDGs: Working together for a better Future in the Blue Economy”
The second session concentrated on initiatives and innovative practices that have
Crossing the Oceans: Memories, Manifestos and Migrations
Every year on 20 June it emphasizes the dignity, rights and needs of people who have
Looking Back to the Future: Shipwrecks and Museum Artifacts
heritage of maritime war and peace: The ecological consequences of these items have
International Lecture Series: Ocean Humanities
CET Do Waves have Rights?
Vorfälle mit Wracks und Munition in der Deutschen Nordsee
Energie Quellen BBC, 23.12.2020: Fishing boat explosion: Seabed munitions may have
Online Workshop on “Sustainability and the Blue Economy: Communication and Knowledge Transfer across Disciplines and Stakeholders”
interactive elements and engages in knowledge co-creation with the participants who have
Call for contributions: Exhibiting the Sound of History: Practice and theory of acoustic historical research and communication
Since when have visitors been invited to experience the exhibits on display using