DJI – Effekte von organisierten Freizeitaktivitäten auf den Übergang in die berufliche Ausbildung*
Which effects do organized leisure activities have on work related resources?
Which effects do organized leisure activities have on work related resources?
even necessary, to systematic ascertain their occupational competences which they have
at the German Youth Institute, this paper examines the extent to which schools have
practically relevant effects and cultural differences between German and Canadian fathers have
At first, we show how statistics of day-care centers have been improved in the last
Mentoring projects generally have as their aim to make the job-specific experience
.: 202, H. 74, S. 101466 Various approaches of assessing instructional quality have
breadwinning is linked to new gender roles, and the impacts the role reversal may have
Strategy and the Council of Europe youth sector strategy, looking at what they have
Not only have family relationships become increasingly complex and the expectations