5 Questions for: Thomas Strehl – DHM-Blog | Deutsches Historisches Museum https://www.dhm.de/blog/2022/01/31/5-questions-for-thomas-strehl/
I personally assisted in its installation, back in 2006 and I have looked after the
I personally assisted in its installation, back in 2006 and I have looked after the
to his Stasi colleagues: Irrespective of the fact that the Western countries … have
Children to Play Power Politics In the past, powerful figures and rulers would have
turning points in German history were there alternative possibilities that could have
In particular when it is quickly obvious that the war will have far-reaching ramifications
Database on the Munich Central Collecting Point
The database can serve to identify works that have not so far been revealed to be
Museum`s education and outreach department, explores why animal and nature symbols have
Or: Things could have turned out differently”, focusing on feminist and gender-historical
But now we have a problem: When the gates of the ruins of the Fridericianum in Kassel
leitmotifs into his scores in the most subtle way possible, in film music they have