Black Sun – Zeughauskino | Deutsches Historisches Museum
Black Sun
Gespräch mit Sarah Cooper (King’s College London) „…This is the first time I have
Black Sun
Gespräch mit Sarah Cooper (King’s College London) „…This is the first time I have
Call Her Applebroog
Interesse ihrer Tochter, Dinge ans Licht zu bringen: „This is a description of I have
With a tenacity bordering on rigidity, Western societies have claimed the affirmative
We want to know: What significance does democracy have for you personally?
blessing accompanied an infant into the world in 1776: “Chaijim son Me’ir – may he have
series #Umweltsammeln (#Environmentcollecting) we present various objects that have
All you have to do is make the right cuckoo call and the right birds will emerge.
event will bring together four experienced artists, curators and thinkers, who have
Big-sounding words, words that are supposed to have some kind of permanence.
Ulrike Kuschel | 25 May 2020 When we think of Hannah Arendt today, we may well have