Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Primate World Celebrates Gorilla Milestone and Crosses Fingers for Baby Fever – CMZoo

After seven years of settling in, the Western lowland gorillas at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo are officially a cohesive troop! 32-year-old Goma – the troop’s silverback – is living with the four females full-time, which means they’re ready to take the next step as a family. Goma came to CMZoo on a breeding recommendation in 2016. . . .
Keepers have seen ‘flirting behavior,’ from Asha, where she’ll sit extra close to

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More Than a Pretty Appendage: How ‘Bouncy Boy’ Bhutan’s Impressive Tail Allows Keepers to Monitor Age-Related Health Discoveries – CMZoo

A snow leopard’s tail is an incredibly useful tool. About as long as their bodies, their tails act as a counterbalance, so they can make hairpin turns at lightning speed in the wild. When they’re pursuing prey in their native Himalayan Mountains, their tails act like an automatic rudder on a speed boat, instinctively correcting . . .
“We know kidney disease is common in aging cats, and we have successfully monitored

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CMZoo Conservation Team Prepares for Busy Wyoming Toad Breed-and-Release Season – CMZoo

The soft serenade of Wyoming toad mating calls will soon echo through the hallways of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo conservation center, as Field Conservation Coordinator Jeff Baughman welcomes ten breeding pairs of critically endangered amphibians back from 38 days of hibernation. “It’s a busy time of year for us,” said Baughman, who has been intimately . . .
Soon, we’ll have our hands full, welcoming thousands of their babies into our care

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CMZoo Continues Conservation Support Despite Pandemic – CMZoo

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s conservation partners are still hard at work on the front lines, despite the pandemic that has slowed much of the world. The Zoo and our supporters continue to send funding to important efforts around the world, including Operation Twiga, a giraffe conservation project in Uganda, and Tsavo Trust, an elephant and rhino . . .
prevented CMZoo staff from attending the Operation Twiga V translocation, as they have

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