Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

CMZoo’s Aging African Elephants Receive Special Keeper Care – CMZoo

Golden Years Seeing LouLou, a 36-year-old female African elephant at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, participate in one of her daily care routines is like witnessing a pedicure of gigantic proportions. Annie Dinwiddie, senior elephant keeper, points her target pole toward a horizontal rod and gently says, “foot.” Three-and-a-half-ton LouLou gracefully places her twelve-inch diameter round pad . . .
They’re all African elephants, but have unique personalities and some distinguishable

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Missy, CMZoo African Elephant Turns 50 – CMZoo

– CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL COLORADO PRESENTS OPEN-TO-THE-PUBLIC BIRTHDAY PARTY, SUNDAY JUNE 30 AT 10 A.M. – Turning fifty years old is a big deal for anyone. When an elephant turns fifty, it’s an enormous occasion. Missy, one of Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s female African elephants, is half a century old this year, and Children’s Hospital Colorado is . . .
Staff from Children’s Hospital Colorado will have a booth at the event, and encourage

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CMZoo Travels to Cape Town to Help African Penguin Chicks at Sanccob – CMZoo

Two CMZoo staff members recently returned from Cape Town, South Africa, where they helped hand-rear orphaned African penguin chicks at the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB), a Cheyenne Mountain Zoo conservation partner. SANCCOB rescues penguins, provides medical care, incubates eggs, hand rears chicks, helps park rangers monitor penguin colonies on . . .
Some have to turn back without providing food for their families.

  • International
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