Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

New Babies – CMZoo

The pride and joy for all new parents, these newest members of the Zoo family make our hearts sing. Learn about new baby details, locations of babies for your visit and young animals to watch for!
Both kids have nursed and continue to bond well with their attentive mom, who is

  • International
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Do Emmett and Digger, CMZoo grizzlies, hibernate? – CMZoo

It’s officially winter, when many people wonder if Emmett and Digger, CMZoo’s grizzly bears, go into hibernation. The short answer is no, but it’s a more complicated topic than some might expect. Scientists continue to study seasonal animal dormancy and are finding that animals experience a wide spectrum of behavioral and physiological changes in the . . .
But, animals in human care can also experience seasonal changes, even though they have

  • International
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