Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

CMZoo Giraffe Care Team Weighs Industry-Pioneering Treatment Options for Mashama – CMZoo

Mashama, 9-year-old reticulated giraffe, is known for his outgoing personality and energetic presence in the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo giraffe herd. Lately, though, Mashama has been dealing with some foot and leg issues. “We’ve discovered that Mashama has sprained ligaments and a fracture in his right foot,” said Dr. Liza Dadone, CMZoo head veterinarian and VP . . .
wrist [that looks like the right front knee], which preceded the fracture, and we have

  • International
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A Hard Day for Conservation – CMZoo

CHEYENNE MOUNTIAN ZOO LOSES MOUNTAIN TAPIR AND MEXICAN WOLF IN SAME DAY, HOLDS ON TO HOPE FOR ENDANGERED SPECIES Cheyenne Mountain Zoo said goodbye to two rare and endangered animals on Thursday, shining an even brighter light on the gravity of many species’ situations on this planet. Cofan, a 19-year-old mountain tapir, and Luna, a . . .
very low number of individuals in human care, both Carlotta’s and Cofan’s bodies have

  • International
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