News Archive – Page 3 of 58 – CMZoo
October September 28, 2023 Teenagers interested in learning more about nature have
October September 28, 2023 Teenagers interested in learning more about nature have
2021 The newest residents of Water’s Edge: Africa, Allagash’s twin lemur pups, have
No matter when we would have had to say goodbye to Bhutan, it would have been too
Our 6-week-old Amur leopard cubs are doing great behind the scenes! Join Asian Highlands Lead Keeper, Basia, for an update on the two cubs’ following mom, getting more mobile, and communicating by making the cutest cub calls you’ve ever heard! Once they show keepers they’re mobile and comfortable enough to explore outside where guests can . . .
Anya and her care team have shown perseverance through their commitment to contributing
Experience a WildNight – Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to have the Zoo
it is common for giraffe to have compatible blood types.
“We have some extra people in here today, don’t we? You’re okay.
Excitement is in the air as two lively mustachioed characters, bearded emperor tamarins named Dot and Chico, settle into their summer home. Dot, the savvy 10-year-old leading lady, and her sidekick, Chico, a spirited 2-year-old male, recently moved into a monkey aviary in the tapir yard. In addition to a new summer home, they’re getting . . .
Both have emperor tamarins’ distinctive white moustaches, which are actually long
“Over time, some have experienced weak limbs or digestive issues, some have arthritis
As the oldest Canada moose in human care in the United States, CMZoo’s 12-year-old male, Tahoma, has received specialized care for years. Until recently, his issues – including arthritis in his limbs and spine, and an on-and-off cough – haven’t seemed to decrease his long-term quality of life. Now, Tahoma is showing signs that his . . .
The range we have seen from reputable sources is from 5 to 15 years.