Allgemeine Suche ¦ Deutsche Bundesbank
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Participants should also have a grasp of current regulatory developments with respect
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Participants should also have a grasp of current regulatory developments with respect
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regime, and (ii) officials from central banks whose responsibilities require, or who have
Die Forschungsarbeit der Deutschen Bundesbank dient vorrangig der Entwicklung und Festigung wissenschaftlicher Kompetenz in den Bereichen Volkswirtschaft, Bankwesen und Finanzstabilität.
measurement) and normative (theoretical) questions on the origins of microfoundations have
Junior to mid-level banking supervisors from central banks and supervisory authorities.
International accounting standards are constantly evolving and have recently become
The course is aimed at central bank staff working in the area of central bank communication (public relations, press office, etc.) or actively dealing with communication issues in other areas of their institutions. Applicants should be willing to share their experiences and actively contribute to discussions during the course.
Participants will also have the opportunity to experience a guided tour of the Bundesbank
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen, die neben Datenreporten auch einen Beitrag zur technischen und methodischen Weiterentwicklung von Mikrodaten leisten.
10 20 50 Sortieren nach Aktualität ⬆ Aktualität ⬇ Titel ⬇ Titel ⬆ Houston, we have
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Participants should have sound knowledge of the systems and procedures used in their
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regime, and (ii) officials from central banks whose responsibilities require, or who have
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Participants should have a sound knowledge of portfolio management so that they can
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Participants should also have a grasp of current regulatory developments with respect