Testimony of Rev. David Ugolor | Brot für die Welt https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/blog/2013-testimony-of-rev-david-ugolor/
Since my release, the police do not seem to have given up on me as there are clear
Since my release, the police do not seem to have given up on me as there are clear
Liberia and Sierra Leone as well as the CPS professionals – from near or far – have
Kakule Molo, der Präsident der von Brot für die Welt geförderten baptistischen Kirche im Kongo berichtet uns über die sich verschlechternde…
Some of those who survived have been rushed to Goma and have been admitted to our
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by world leaders at a United Nations summit on 25 September 2015. During the summit, the Swedish prime…
this initiative, civil society organizations (CSOs) from the same nine countries have
19 Civil Society Organisations from both the global South and North met in Uppsala, Sweden on 3 October 2013, and adopted the Uppsala Statement.
countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, who through strong state intervention, have
The election observation team of Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) has presented the final report on the elections in Kenya 2013.The team concludes:…
Small irregularities could have affected the final results because of the narrow
Vor zwei Tagen hat in New York das High Level Political Forum zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 begonnen. Zehn Tage lang debattieren und berichten Vertreterinnen…
For us in La Via Campesina, we have noticed that these are the very same policies
We have developed a set of eight just energy transition principles designed to make
The European Commission plans to repurpose the „Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace“ – The European Parliament and EU member states should reject…
third of the IcSP funds earmarked for flexible and rapid crisis response measures – have
The EU Commission, Council and Parliament agreed on an EU supply chain law. The directive offers great potential to strengthen unions in the Global South. Han…
in the Global South in using Supply Chain Due Diligence Acts, such as the one we have