25th May is Africa Day, 3 reasons to Celebrate. | Brot für die Welt https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/blog/2016-25th-may-is-africa-day-3-reasons-to-celebrate/
are inviting the rest of the world to Join us in Celebrating our rich Heritage.I have
are inviting the rest of the world to Join us in Celebrating our rich Heritage.I have
During COP 25 in Madrid, Bread for the World together with our partner Coastal Development Partnership from Bangladesh and the World Future Council launched a…
collecting scientific data on global climate action, only Morocco and The Gambia have
Tourismus, einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Industriezweige überhaupt, trägt insbesondere durch die Bereiche Unterkunft, land- und seegebundener…
suffer the most from the effects of climate change, even more so in the future, have
On the Occasion of 100 Years of the International Labour Organisation the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors calls for action on social protection…
These matters have been addressed for some time by the International Labour Organization
Statement of Neth Daño (ETC Group) at the German Farmers’ Tractor Protest at the international conference of the ministers for agriculture, 19th January 2019
We have one of the lowest rate of agricultural mechanization in Asia and the government
A position paper of the ACT Alliance – Action of Churches Together. ACT is an alliance of 146 church and church-related organisations.
Austerity measures following the financial crisis have also drawn attention to weakening
Social Protection for All – Make it Happen A short video guides you through the idea of a Global Fund for Social Protection, with Olivier de Schutter…
Olivier De Schutter, and on extreme poverty and human rights, Magdalena Sepúlveda, have
The elections in Ghana are over – at least for our international delegation. After returning it is time for reports. Just for a taste of it i'd like to…
Just for a taste of it i’d like to share my general impressions since I have to appreciate
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by world leaders at a United Nations summit on 25 September 2015. During the summit, the Swedish prime…
this initiative, civil society organizations (CSOs) from the same nine countries have
Am 22. März hat der Rat die Übereinkunft zur sogenannten „EU Peace Facility“ angenommen. NGOs und kirchliche Hilfswerke kritisieren das neue Instrument, das in…
The EU is not allowed to spend its budget on weapons, so EU member states have circumvented