A joint call to Europe in the reception crisis: Protect people, not borders | Brot für die Welt https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/downloads/call-to-europe/
Bread for the World, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and Diakonie Deutschland have compiled
Bread for the World, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and Diakonie Deutschland have compiled
Since the summer of 2015 hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers have crossed European
Water is a key resource both to provide drinking water and to generate food and energy for a growing world population. A fifth of the global population lives…
countries, in certain regions, local communities are more and more struggling to have
Vom 26. bis 28.September 2024 sind wir auf dem bundesweiten Kongress WeltWeitWissen in Kassel präsent. Mit eigenen Workshopangeboten sind auch Stipendiat*innen…
As a lawyer, I have been succesful myself with an international lawsuit against climate
We are now in a time of a global crisis. The COVID-19 virus is spreading all over the globe and making it clear how interconnected we are. It is reminding us…
brot-fuer-die-welt.de Kontakt mehr zur Person Even though so far most of the people who have
Mit der Future Generations-Kampagne haben wir einen wichtigen Etappenerfolg erzielt. In der künftigen EU-Kommission wird es einen Kommissar für…
between generations is enshrined in our Treaties and the decisions we take today have
are inviting the rest of the world to Join us in Celebrating our rich Heritage.I have
leaders; and in view of climatic disasters and wars that multiply on the continent, have
These countries that are the most vulnerable have decided to not play the victim,
Youthtopia 2021 hatte das Thema Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Hier erfahrt ihr, was wir gemacht haben.
. (-: Dara and Kim from Cambodia, Ana from Georgia and Abi from Cameroon have been