The Astonishing Bicycle | Brot für die Welt
fruit of your choice chopped in bits and then pedal for a minute or two, and you have
fruit of your choice chopped in bits and then pedal for a minute or two, and you have
In May 2017, Xi Jinping called for the „Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)“ to be expanded into a „Road of Peace“. However, the impact of the initiative on peace…
BRI impacts on peace and conflict have not yet been sufficiently analyzed The overview
Prayer by Jürgen Reichel for the 10th World Social Forum Ecumenical Service in the Protestant Church of Dakar
Show us, how we encounter you In the poorest and weakest, Who have nobody to protect
The speech of Mariam Mayet from the Bread for the World partner organization African Center for Biodiversity on front of Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, January 21st…
colleagues in Africa and globally such as Bread for the World and many others we have
Tension high in Warsaw talks as G77+China walk out vs climate inaction
Members of the G77+China, a group of 133 developing countries have walked out of
It took nearly a week until after the summit between the African and European Union to agree on a joint final declaration. In process and content another sign…
Civil society proofs partnership is possible My fellow Members have reported how
Salerno said that now is the ‘time for craziness, because we have tried so many things
Das Netzwerk „Action for Sustainable Development“, bei dem Brot für die Welt Mitglied ist, hat ein Statement zur diesjährigen Ministeriellen Erklärung des High…
understand how far the review process has engaged citizens and civil society, we have
shores and borders of Europe – let alone from the countries from which these people have
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, one particular question is about the fair access to medicines – a fundamental human right –, especially after having witnessed the…
adopted almost 70 years ago in the Constitution of the World Health Organization have