IBON International Updates – Climate, Number 6 | Brot für die Welt https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/blog/2013-ibon-international-updates-climate-number-6/
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to deliver outcomes, Poland’s diplomatic skills have
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to deliver outcomes, Poland’s diplomatic skills have
for cost and environmental reasons, we did not want to invite participants who have
Interview with Mark Heywood, Director of SECTION27 – a public interest litigation centre that uses the law to protect, promote and advance human rights…
are more than 6 million HIV positive people in South Africa. 2.5 million people have
Vortrag von Lancedell Mathews, Direktor der BfdW-EED-Partnerorganisation NARDA aus Liberia, beim Peace Building Forum der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden und…
very many years now been called into question and the rich experience of how we have
At the summit between the European Union and the African Union on February 17th/18th, the EU wants to commit African states to closer cooperation in the fight…
Moctar Dan Yaye: „On February 6, we commemorate all over the world the people who have
has to be bought from the family farmers, especially organic products that can have
Experts have already pointed out that around 250 million to 1 billion people could
Three new case studies show: In the context of large-scale land investments in Africa, human rights violations and social as well as environmental damages are…
Since 2000, over 25 million hectares of land deals have been carried out across the
including those identified under the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), have
In October 2015, South Africa became the sixth country, and the first in Africa to host the International Renewable Energy Conference SAIREC 2015. Mareike…
There are certain obstacles that many speakers have been highlighting at SAIREC that