Helmut Pestner | Brot für die Welt https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/ueber-uns/personen/helmut-pestner/
mehr erfahren Blog „I have a dream“ – 1.200 Stimmen für Gerechtigkeit 13.02.2019
mehr erfahren Blog „I have a dream“ – 1.200 Stimmen für Gerechtigkeit 13.02.2019
context of armed conflict and crises, as previous regional program evaluations have
Considering the importance that secure land and property rights have for the lives
Civil society interest in the upcoming 5th AU-EU summit in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, is limited. What is needed to transform a just another 22 hours long meeting…
The collaborations between the continents have many forms: The main legal framework
from the scratch, if free trade and dumping is prevailing, and local producers have
We believe social protection floors can have a transformative role in contributing
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future we want“, wie der Titel heißt, spiegelt das Papier eher „the present we have
The European Commission is keen to “repurpose” the EU’s civil conflict management budget to fund the military in future. The Instrument contributing to…
out that some excellent civil conflict prevention and peacebuilding strategies have