Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

BfN Schriften 118 – Trade in and Conservation of two Shark Species, Porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) | BFN

FAO has developed an International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks and has recommended that shark fishing states conduct stock assessments and develop similar action plans on national level. CITES is discussing shark conservation and unsustainable trade in sharks, their parts and derivatives and has already listed shark species on its appendices and is considering further listing proposals.
58 Skript118 (pdf, 1.04 MB) Beschreibung As German federal institution we have

BfN Schriften 239 – Immunogenicity of GM peas. Review of immune effects in mice fed on genetically modified peas and wider impacts for GM risk assessment | BFN

This report reviews a scientific study by Prescott et al. (2005) which identified a higher immunogenic potential for a bean-derived alpha amylase inhibitor expressed in GM peas compared to the native bean-derived protein using a mouse model.
Third, wouldthe GM pea have alerted risk assessors if undergoing the ‘standard’ risk

BfN Schriften 102 – „Perspectives of the Green Belt“ Chances for an Ecological Network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea? Part 1 | BFN

The International conference “Perspectives of the Green Belt – Chances for an ecological network from the Barents Sea to the Adriatic Sea?”, held in July 2003 in Bonn, has been a milestone in the development of the vision of a European Green Belt.
, Austria and Germany as well as from IUCN, the European Union and several NGOs have

BfN Schriften 195 – International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP) | BFN

The ISSC-MAP is designed to help those involved in the harvest, management, trade, manufacture, and sale of wild-collected medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) resources to understand and comply with the conditions under which sustainable collection of these resources can take place.
Field consultations and implementation projects have been, and continue to be supported

BfN-Schriften 515 – Second Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the Corresponding EU Regulation Final Report | BFN

After the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol and the corresponding Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014 (EU ABS Regulation), the Member States of the European Union (EU) are now obligated to take steps towards the operationalization of these legal instruments. Their im-plementation requires a multi-facetted approach, including inter alia the following activities: user identification and awareness raising, cooperation and exchange of information between the EU Member States as well as between EU Member States and provider States, interac-tion between EU Member States and the European Commission (EC), development and im-plementation of administrative procedures (including compliance checks), training of staff, data management etc.
Now that many of the EU Member States have enacted national implementing legislation

BfN Schriften 143 – Report on the Expert Meeting in Preparation of the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Areas May 17 – 22, 2005 | BFN

The expert meeting in preparation of the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Areas (WG-PA1) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was an informal scientific workshop, aiming to exchange information and opinions on the topics to be discussed at the upcoming first meeting of WG-PA1.
the workshop was not to reach a consensus on the individual points but rather to have

BfN Schriften 35 – Report on the expert meeting in preparation of the sixth meeting of SBSTTA, January 18-19, 2001 | BFN

The expert meeting in preparation of the sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-6) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, was an informal scientific workshop, aiming to exchange information on the topics to be discussed at the upcoming sixth meeting of SBSTTA.
the workshop was not to reach a consensus on the individual points but rather to have