Alle Satzarten einfach erklärt – simpleclub
Typ 3 If-clause (if + past perfect) – Main clause (would + have + past participle
Typ 3 If-clause (if + past perfect) – Main clause (would + have + past participle
divided – while thousands of young people welcomed refugees, right-wing parties have
Example → Beispiel: „It might have been the last time he could drink a coffee in
Have a piece of cake. Iss ein Stück Kuchen! Turn left onto 47th street.
Aussagesatz Beim verneinten Aussagesatz brauchst du ein Hilfsverb, wie zum Beispiel do, have
On the first floor we have got five rooms.
One of them: species will arrive at places where they have never been found before
(I have a dream) Nelson Mandela (Inauguration speech 1994) Emmeline Pankhurst (
Civil Rights Act wird von Kongress verabschiedet (Wahlrecht für Schwarze) 1963: „I have
to subscribe somebody jemanden abonnieren With a subscription you have the opportunity