Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Gregory Fitz, Katelyn Farstad and David Frohlich –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

April 20, 2012 – July 1, 2012 | MAEP Galleries | Free Exhibition Seven Billion: Gregory Fitz Seven Billion is the debut of Fitz’s ambitious three-part installation, comprising DayGlo gestural landscapes, paintings made after Ansel Adams photographs, and cinder-block table sculptures. The artist’s work is made from economical materials such as insulation foam and chipboard, and he works quickly
Through these works, audiences will have access to the artists’ expanded practices

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Peter Happel Christian and Margaret Wall-Romana –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

January 20, 2011 – April 3, 2011 | | FREE Ground Truth: Peter Happel Christian Peter Happel Christian measures, collects information, and records data, creating sculptures and photographs that are positioned at the intersection of art, science, and history. His exhibition Ground Truth explores the history of land stewardship and the use of visual technology to chart, measure, and document natural phenomena
Both photography and geographic image systems have developed into hyper-accurate

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A Place We Share –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

September 28, 2017 – April 15, 2018 | Cargill Gallery | Free Exhibition Over the course of her three month-long residency at Mia in the summer of 2017, artist Aliza Nisenbaum worked closely with groups in the Phillips and Whittier neighborhoods, including Centro Tyrone Guzman, Hope Community, and Mia’s own security guards, to create three large-scale group portraits each representing their respective communities. Through face-to-face portrait sessions, the artist bonded with her sitters, building a relationship of friendship and mutual trust
individuals and communities that are under-represented in the history of art and have

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The Many Voices of Colonial America –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

April 22, 2017 – June 17, 2018 | Charleston Dining Room and Charleston Drawing Room, G336 and 337 | Free Exhibition The Charleston Dining and Drawing Rooms came from the 1772 home of Col. John Stuart, who served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Britain’s southern colonies and was also an owner of enslaved Africans
For over 80 years, the rooms have been interpreted as late-1700s interiors featuring

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Jonathan Kaiser and Carolyn Swiszcz –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

January 15, 2015 – March 29, 2015 | MAEP Galleries | FREE Inventory: Carolyn Swiszcz Carolyn Swiszcz’s paintings and linoleum prints of unpopulated streets put a humorous and sometimes eerie complexion on dozens of familiar St. Paul landmarks
include sculptures from the videos that are particularly strong narrative devices and have

  • International
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