Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Ninga Izhichige Nibi Onji / I Will Do It For The Water –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

May 6, 2021 – September 12, 2021 | Katherine Kierland Herberger Gallery (Community Commons) | Free This exhibition explores the importance of nibi (the Ojibwe word for water) as a life-giving force. For the past ten years, Ojibwe artist and community leader Sharon M
brings together art, images, words, and works by the community of water walkers who have

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Jaron Childs and Jonathan Bruce Williams –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

January 17, 2014 – March 30, 2014 | MAEP Galleries | Free Exhibition How to make a world: Jaron Childs Childs will present a new series of hyper-realistic and finely detailed paintings, based on his own photographs, that are a rejoinder to contemporary attitudes about beauty in painting. He has done this by carefully choosing images that both test the limits of acceptable sentimentality for critical art and offer visual pleasures that also contain sensations of alienation and loss
Previous installations have included images that flash and appear stereoscopically

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Actual Size: The Triumph of Tiny Prints –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

May 28, 2016 – November 13, 2016 | The Winton Jones Print and Drawing Gallery (G344) | Free Many great printmakers sometimes went small, eager to see what virtuoso feats of miniaturization they could wrest from their engraving tools. Mia Life Trustee John E
Some, like Rembrandt’s Goldsmith, have an intimate, personal feel.

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Sarah Burns and Andy Sturdevant –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

October 18, 2013 – December 29, 2013 | MAEP Galleries | Free Exhibition midday: Sarah Burns The sculptures in Sarah Burns’s exhibition midday reinforce her interest in prefabricated materials, such as drywall, lumber, carpet, plaster, and tiles, from which she makes expertly refined abstract shapes and sculptural forms. Her diverse practice begins with an openness to materials, yet there is also an architectural discipline and earnestness to Burns’s work; as Steen Eiler Rasmussen said, “No other art employs a colder, more abstract form, but at the same time no other art is more intimately connected with man’s daily life from the cradle to the grave.” Her sculptures and room-sized installations create experiences that oscillate between intimately constructed details and how those forms evoke domestic environments that recur in memories of personal spaces. Download the exhibition brochure of Sarah Burns’s midday (pdf) Alley Atlas: Andy Sturdevant Andy Sturdevant’s massive Alley Atlas used the MAEP gallery as the staging area for an open-source project on urban design and personal history
continues, the number of contributions will grow and the maps will show how the alleys have

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Ninga Izhichige Nibi Onji / I Will Do It For The Water –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

May 6, 2021 – September 12, 2021 | Katherine Kierland Herberger Gallery (Community Commons) | Free This exhibition explores the importance of nibi (the Ojibwe word for water) as a life-giving force. For the past ten years, Ojibwe artist and community leader Sharon M
brings together art, images, words, and works by the community of water walkers who have

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The Sports Show –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

February 19, 2012 – May 13, 2012 | Target Gallery (admission charged) | Ticketed Exhibition – on sale now! This exhibition explores the role of photography and media (television, video, and digital technology) in transforming sports from a casual leisure activity into a spectacle of mass participation. Media imagery has moved sports into the public sphere. Since the 1960s, the marriage of major college and professional sports (especially basketball, baseball, football, and soccer) with television and expanding media platforms has radically altered the nature of sports, athletes’ cultural standing and fans’ participation
historical lineage, the exhibition will examine how certain photographs and media works have

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Eric William Carroll “G.U.T. Feeling, Vol. 2” and James Holmberg “Forever” –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

July 18, 2014 – September 28, 2014 | MAEP Galleries | Free Exhibition Eric William Carroll presents the second installment of his ongoing project „G.U.T. Feeling.“ Grand Unified Theory (G.U.T.) is a new photographic installation that revels in the ardent striving of science’s grandest theories—the search by fringe and mainstream scientists alike for a single elegant explanation of the universe
, sheets of plastic, and raw building materials, expertly and quickly composed, have

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Eric William Carroll "G.U.T. Feeling, Vol. 2" and James Holmberg "Forever" –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

July 18, 2014 – September 28, 2014 | MAEP Galleries | Free Exhibition Eric William Carroll presents the second installment of his ongoing project „G.U.T. Feeling.“ Grand Unified Theory (G.U.T.) is a new photographic installation that revels in the ardent striving of science’s grandest theories—the search by fringe and mainstream scientists alike for a single elegant explanation of the universe
, sheets of plastic, and raw building materials, expertly and quickly composed, have

  • International
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