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Kloster Michaelstein – Museum Virtuell

current exhibition look further free access: Museum free access: Musikscheune free access: Remise free access: Musikmaschine Michaelstein Monastery story A good 875 years ago, Cistercian monks settled in a valley away from Blankenburg (Harz). An economically successful abbey developed from an initially difficult life. Donations, the vowed poverty as well as life determined
Romanesque remains, as well as plant elements on the consoles and keystones, have

Deutsches Freimaurer Museum Bayreuth – Museum Virtuell

current exhibition browse further paid access History of the collection of the Masonic Museum in Bayreuth Georg Niehrenheim from Bayreuth approached the Grand Lodge „Zur Sonne“ in 1902 on the occasion of a meeting with the suggestion to use the Masonic utensils and exhibits collected in the house of the Bayreuth
They have been lost to this day.

Museum für Sepulkralkultur – Museum Virtuell

curretn exhibition browse further free access: Zernetzung free access: Memento free access: Neue Welt, vergehen, Dark Waters free access: Suizid Let’s talk about it Museum of Sepulchral Culture The Museum of Sepulchral Culture was founded in 1992 and is dedicated to the topics of dying, death, burial, mourning and commemoration. Through education,
Social changes, which in turn have had an impact on the local burial culture, are

Kloster Vessra – Museum Virtuell

current exhibition browse more free access Henneberg Museum Monastery Veßra Monastery History Only ten years after the foundation of the Premonstratensian Order in 1121 by St. Norbert of Xanten, Gotebold II, Count of Henneberg, together with his wife Liutgard, founded a branch of this young order in the village of
Many of the buildings have been altered and changed in the course of the subsequent

Kloster Vessra – Museum Virtuell

current exhibition browse more free access Henneberg Museum Monastery Veßra Monastery History Only ten years after the foundation of the Premonstratensian Order in 1121 by St. Norbert of Xanten, Gotebold II, Count of Henneberg, together with his wife Liutgard, founded a branch of this young order in the village of
Many of the buildings have been altered and changed in the course of the subsequent