Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

Believe Me, I’m Not An Egret! / باور کنید من مرغ ماهی‌خوار نیستم! / Ki – mundo azul

This story is a recreation of a fable originally written in “Kalila and Demna”, an ancient book with Indian roots. In the original story, an old egret tricks the fish into thinking that they are being taken to a safe lake, but they are in fact becoming the egret’s food. Until one day, the crab also asks the egret to ta
All of us have shared the same dream as children to go on big adventures, finding

An Umbrella with White Butterflies / چتری با پروانه های سفید, Kinderbu – mundo azul

Es sind noch zwei Stunden bis zum neuen Jahr. Und alle wollen in diesen beiden Stunden noch etwas wichtiges erledigen. Den Goldfisch nach Hause bringen, sich die Haare schneiden lassen, ein neues Kleid nähen. Zwei Kinder allerdings entgehen diesem hektischen Treiben in den Gassen und helfen sich gegenseitig, um rechtze
All of us have shared the same dream as children to go on big adventures, finding

Feather /پر /Persisches Kinderbuch / Iran / Tuti Books – mundo azul

Cao Wenxuan erzählt die Geschichte einer einzelnen Feder, welche auf eine Entdeckungsreise mitgenommen wird. Die Feder begegnet vom Eisvogel bis zur Elster den unterschiedlichsten Vögeln und hofft darauf, den Vogel zu treffen, dem die angehört. Wird sie diesen Vogel finden? Die atemberaubend schönen, dynamischen Illust
All of us have shared the same dream as children to go on big adventures, finding

The New Year Unlike Every Year / عید امسال نه مثل هر سال / Kinderbuch – mundo azul

The kittens spent every New Year at their grandmother’s Haft-Seen Table and received gifts from her, but this year will be a little different from the past years. This year, grandmother plans instead to visit her grandchildren for the New Year. The kittens want to set a beautiful Haft-Seen Table for her and so they joi
All of us have shared the same dream as children to go on big adventures, finding

A Terra das Nuvens / Bilderbuch Portugiesisch / Cristina Sitja Rubio – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren  One day, there was no more water in the tanks. Where would the clouds be? Lobita hadn’t seen them for a long time. She decided to go look for them. She went up to the Land of Mountains, went down to the Land of Cactus, searched in the Land of Glass and peered into the Land of the Sea. No clouds.
But if we don’t want to lose it for good, we have no choice but to see things as

Crescer / Bilderbuch Portugiesisch / Laëtitia Bourget / Emmanuelle Hou – mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 8 und für Erwachsene  A celebration of life in all its cycles, transformations and learning, through the eyes and voice of a woman. First, I wasn’t here. Then, I started to be. I was fragile like a branch and I became strong like a tree. I learned quickly and taught slowly. I became demanding. I received
But if we don’t want to lose it for good, we have no choice but to see things as

A História da Júlia e da sua sombra de menino / Kinderbuch Portugiesis – mundo azul

Muss man sich anpassen, um geliebt zu werden? Julia wird die Antwort auf diese Frage finden. 1976 war das Buch veröffentlicht  Für Kinder ab 5 Jahren. __________________________ Diz-me, minha querida, porque não és como toda a gente?Eu não sou como toda a gente, mamã. Eu sou a Júlia!A Júlia não tem modos. A Júlia não é
But if we don’t want to lose it for good, we have no choice but to see things as

Capitão Rosalie / Kinderbuch Portugiesisch / Timothee de Fombelle / Is – mundo azul

Inspiriert in eine wahre Geschichte, erzählt das Bilderbuch von einem 5-Jähriges Mädchen, das im Jahr 1917 große Pläne für sich hat.  Für Kinder ab 8 Jahren.  ———————————- Corre o ano de 1917. Rosalie é uma menina de cinco anos e meio.O pai está longe, em combate, e a mãe trabalha na fábrica.Rosal
But if we don’t want to lose it for good, we have no choice but to see things as

„Dança quando chegares ao fim“ / Richard Zimler / Bernardo P. Carvalho – mundo azul

Alles, was wir von Tieren lernen können.  Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren.  ——————— „Será que podemos aprender alguma coisa com um escaravelho, hienas e chacais ou com um simples pangolim?Parece que sim, parece que sim! As palavras de Richard Zimler e as ilustrações de Bernardo P. Carvalho juntam-se neste livro pa
But if we don’t want to lose it for good, we have no choice but to see things as