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Distance Rate and Time for Math/Science/Physics – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

How does acceleration change from a downward drop, to a flat surface, to an uphill ramp? With Makey Makey and Scratch you can measure the change in rate over your desired distance and catch the correct time as your toy car drives over simple DIY switches.
To use the built-in formula have your students connect the ‚w‘ key to an ‚equation

Invention Literacy Foundations: Invent an Alarm Challenge! – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

With our new plug and play alarm app, you can spend your time inventing your physical alarm trap! Up until now you’ve learned how circuits work and explored Makey Makey. But now let’s go further by exploring the switch concept. Switches are a simple type of sensor. Sensors and microcontrollers power our world. But wha
Plus, the folks at Scrappy Circuits have even more cool ideas for building switches

Makey Makey in the Science Classroom – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

Makey Makey provides an ingenious twist to the concept of circuitry by transforming everyday objects into interactive touchpads. From bananas and aluminum foil to plants and even human touch, this invention kit encourages students to think beyond conventional boundaries and engage with science in an entirely new way. B
If you want students to download, onceWhen all images and sounds are mapped, have

Create an Interactive and Family-Fun Atmosphere for Holiday Parties wi – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

The holidays are a time for connection, celebration, and making lasting memories with loved ones. Whether you’re hosting a cozy family gathering or a lively classroom holiday party, the Makey Makey DIY Party Pack is here to transform your festivities into an unforgettable interactive experience. With four unique games
These kits are collections of materials that we have found to be helpful when inventing