Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: have

New Resources: Exploring Makey Makey with Plug and Play Apps – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

Check out our new plug and play projects for exploring Makey Makey! Over the last two years, we’ve developed new plug and play apps, released booster kits, and even new Makey Makey backpacks (an expansion board set that makes it easier to use the back of your Makey Makey!) All these new products, mean we’ve been workin
Makey Makey works by alligator clipping into everyday things that have some conductivity

Carnival Sized Games for STEAM Day – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

Last month, our Curriculum and Content director Colleen Graves volunteered at a local elementary school to create and run oversized Makey Makey games for the majority of the school! While she is working on a larger guide to explain how to run your own STEAM day event with Makey Makey, we wanted to go ahead and share th
The giant calculator you operate with your feet was difficult to design, but I have

MakeCode Arcade Lesson One: Coding Sprite Movement with Classic Tag Ga – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

In this project, we will build a basic tag game for our first real game with Microsoft MakeCode Arcade. In the introduction, we created a character or ‘sprite’, and we were able to move it around the screen using the arrow keys on our keyboard or with our Makey Makey. We will build on that concept and add another sprit
The best games tell a story, and the best stories have a great setting.

Kit Project Guides – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

Each project that has been designed around a Makey Makey Booster Kit is paired with a detailed project guide! By providing free basic documentation to get you started we believe that you can get to developing your own inventions sooner. We simplify this step for you by taking you through each project step-by-step with
Check out the different projects based around the different Booster Kits we have

Do not sell or share my personal information – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

As described in our Privacy Policy, we collect personal information from your interactions with us and our website, including through cookies and similar technologies. We may also share this personal information with third parties, including advertising partners. We do this in order to show you ads on other websites th
Depending on where you live, you may have the right to opt out of these activities

Hour of Code: Day Two Challenge – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

We hope you are enjoying Hour of Code this week! Yesterday, we announced a new labz guide for „The Ultimate Stomp Pad.“ With this guide, we challenged makers to create a one button game in Scratch. We’d love to see the games you’ve made, so make sure you tag us or upload your remixes to this Labz guide. Today our codin
Have fun making and coding!

Maker Class Lesson One: Crafting and Designing Switches – Joylabz Official Makey Makey Store

Up until now you’ve learned how circuits work and explored Makey Makey. But now let’s go further by exploring switches. Switches are a simple type of sensor. Sensors and microcontrollers power our world. But what is a sensor? And what is a microcontroller? And how do they work together? Let’s get started!
students who’ve finished our Beginner Level Makey Makey class or makers who already have