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DK Learning UK Privacy Policy
It also explains what rights you have to access or change your personal data.
DK Learning UK Privacy Policy
It also explains what rights you have to access or change your personal data. 1.2
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to stand on an Olympic podium having just won
Was it just me? But it felt like absolutely nobody was talking about dual coding and then, almost overnight, it was everywhere. Learning journeys a…
Its takeover of British schools might have been rapid, but dual coding is not going
Immerse yourself in the stories behind the most shocking and infamous books ever published! Censorship of one form or another has existed almost a…
written word, while definitions of what is deemed „acceptable“ in published works have
Nurturing a love of non-fiction, and realising its potential for learning all about the world and its people, begins when children are very young. …
Non-fiction doesn’t have to mean text-heavy, dry and serious.
\n\nCritical Thinking Skills (CTS) are skills with which children debate a statement. They are specifically taught and include (but are not limited…
Throughout my twenty years as a teacher, I have always found the sharpest students
\nThe term non-fiction has a perception problem. People hear it and immediately think of dry, dusty old tomes that would struggle to engage even th…
There doesn’t have to be a clear start and end point in non-fiction.
Immerse yourself in the stories behind the most shocking and infamous books ever published! Censorship of one form or another has existed almost a…
written word, while definitions of what is deemed „acceptable“ in published works have
\n\n\nMrs Wordsmith\n is, at a glance, a series like no other. Entertainingly illustrated characters and an playful style provide a strong hook eve…
At Tennyson Road Primary School, the children and teachers have been enjoying finding