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Spider Monkey Animal Profile – National Geographic Kids

Spider monkeys have long, thin arms with hooklike hands that allow them to swing – They do not have opposable thumbs. – They are very intelligent and have robust memories. – This refers to the fact that they don’t have thumbs. – Hunting the brown-headed spider monkey is now prohibited in Ecuador, but humans have
/ 4 Spider monkeys usually live in groups of 20 to 30, but groups of up to 100 have

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They are related to sharks, and like their shark cousins, they do not have bones. – Stingrays have broad fins that run the full length of their bodies, giving them a – Stingrays have tails that are armed for defense. – Many species, including the exotic-looking blue-spotted stingray, have venom that – They usually have two to six young at a time.
They are related to sharks, and like their shark cousins, they do not have bones.

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Snowy Plover

These small birds have rounded heads with steep foreheads and short necks. – Their bills are black and they have large eyes. – They have short black legs and dark gray to black feet. – They have patches of brown or black on their shoulders. – As a result, plovers‘ breeding numbers have decreased as their beach habitats and
These small birds have rounded heads with steep foreheads and short necks.

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Scorpions are arachnids and have eight legs like their cousins—spiders, mites, and – They have been around since before the age of the dinosaurs. – Only 30 or 40 species around the world have strong enough poison to kill a person – Researchers have even frozen scorpions overnight, only to put them in the sun the
Press/Photolibrary Animals Invertebrates Scorpion Scorpions are arachnids and have

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Mountain Lion

These felines are comfortable in many different habitats and, aside from humans, have – These cats have a poor sense of smell, but have excellent vision and hearing that – Mountain lions don’t roar, but females have a loud scream, which is believed to attract – Females have an average of two to four cubs per litter and give birth in a den.
These felines are comfortable in many different habitats and, aside from humans, have

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