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Diving at Gray’s Reef | Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Gray’s Reef is teeming with marine life一from loggerhead sea turtles that rest at the reef, to the more than 200 unique species of fishes and sharks and 900 species of invertebrates. With the abundance of marine life, the sights and sounds while scuba diving are also unique to the region.
Marine scientists have been using underwater microphones—known as hydrophones—to

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Sanctuary Overview | Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Safely tucked away in the Atlantic Ocean, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary is cared for and treasured by divers, anglers, scientists, and conservationists. NOAA designated the area as a national marine sanctuary in 1981 because of its diversity of species and abundance of marine life.
1,000 species of invertebrates—animals without a backbone—and 200 species of fish have

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Fishing | Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary

Fishing happens here! Gray’s Reef is a popular spot off the Georgia coast for recreational fishing and diving. Sport fishing occurs year-round but at different levels of intensity. Anglers protect and preserve Gray’s Reef for future generations by fishing sustainably and using sanctuary best practices.
Sanctuary Regulations To protect the live-bottom habitats of the sanctuary, managers have

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