Aufgaben zu if-Sätzen – if-clauses – lernen mit Serlo!
If you drive too fast, you ___ (have) an accident.
If-clausesAufgaben zu if-Sätzen – if-clauses … If you drive too fast, you ___ (have
If you drive too fast, you ___ (have) an accident.
If-clausesAufgaben zu if-Sätzen – if-clauses … If you drive too fast, you ___ (have
If my friend ____ (have) time next week, we will go to the cinema.
Verbformen If-Sätze – If-clausesAufgaben zu if-Sätzen – if-clauses … If my friend ____ (have
Hier findest du die Regeln zum present perfect und die Anwendung in den verschiedenen Satztypen.
Have you ever been to an Asian country? No, I haven’t been there yet. Have you?
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If the girls __________ (have) the courage, they would have asked for an autograph
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They have never been to Australia. Johnny have broken the window.
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Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle I am I (1) I have (2) You are You (
Entdecke hilfreiche Beispiele für Kurzantworten auf Ja-Nein-Fragen. Lerne, wie du effektiv antworten kannst! Bearbeitung möglich.
Kurzantworten auf ja, nein Fragen. zb: Do you have my pen?
Fill in the table with the correct forms of these verbs!
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle I am I (1) I have (2) You are You (
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Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle I am I (1) I have (2) You are You (
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They have never been to Australia. Johnny have broken the window.