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Sound the Trumpets! Cincinnati Zoo Keepers Helping Save Local Birds – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Earlier this year, the Cincinnati Zoo donated $2,400 to support the Ohio Trumpeter Swan Movement Study.  The Cincinnati Zoo Bird Team was very excited to be a part of a local conservation initiative and hopes to continue to be involved with these efforts. Trumpeter swans currently breed throughout most of the western Great Lakes region, […]
The project timeline has a short window each year as swans have to be marked when

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Cincinnati Zoo Now a Kroger Community Rewards Recipient – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

CINCINNATI – (February 25, 2014) The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden is excited to announce that it’s now a Kroger Community Rewards program recipient.  The program, which was created by Kroger to help support non-profit organizations in the Tri-state, allows customers to register their Kroger Plus Card and start earning money for organizations that impact […]
Cincinnati’s most beloved non-profits and we are grateful to all of the shoppers who have

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Planting Beauty and Butterfly Food – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Imagine if your body could only survive by eating one plant. And to make matters more complicated, that plant is getting harder and harder to find growing in the wild. How will you survive?! Hopefully you would lean on a little help from your friends to grow more of the plant to help you live. […]
agricultural practices, and using pesticides and spraying Roundup in our gardens have

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Sumatran Rhino Returns to the Cincinnati Zoo in the Face of Crisis – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

 CINCINNATI – (July 21, 2013) “Harapan,” a six-year-old male Sumatran rhino born at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2007 and later moved to the White Oak Conservation Center in Florida and then on to the Los Angeles Zoo, returned home in July in an effort to help save his rapidly disappearing species from extinction.   With no […]
“Without the work of the Cincinnati Zoo we would not have had the success that we

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These Houses are the Bee’s Knees – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Did you enjoy a cup of coffee this morning? You can thank the bees! Of the 1,400 crop plants grown, nearly 75% depend on pollination, including coffee, almonds, many fruits, and chocolate. Without bees and other pollinators, our diets would be severely limited, and it would be more difficult to acquire the variety of vitamins […]
Next time you’re at the Zoo, stop by to see the house we have up near World of the

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