Afrika-Junior Tanzania
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Only Rwanda, Burundi, and Kenya, have manmade borders with Tanzania.
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Only Rwanda, Burundi, and Kenya, have manmade borders with Tanzania.
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These volcanic peaks and their surroundings have been considered as one of the most
Kenya is a nation in east africa with a coastal line at the indian ocean.
Recent droughts have been worsened by local deforestation.
Small fishing towns have developed into large cities near the many estuaries.
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southern hemisphere, three quarters of the coral populations on the Seychelles have
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Only children and older people do not have to fast.
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The Tropical Cyclone Idai and Global Warming What do tropical cyclones have
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Have there been improvements for families and children?
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There are no four seasons like we have, but it changes between a rainy and a dry
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Quiver trees grow up to 9 metres and have a thick, waxy trunk.