Das Olchi-ABC | Verlagsgruppe Oetinger https://www.oetinger.de/buch/das-olchi-abc/9783789123252?m=r
all Oggly fans to learn the alphabet and how to make up rhymes – and for everyone else
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all Oggly fans to learn the alphabet and how to make up rhymes – and for everyone else
Now she wants him to make up a “secret daft language” so that nobody else will understand
Why else should all the animals living in the sea be so terribly nervous?
If anyone else asks him to grant them a wish, his wishes have unexpected side-effects
But Nevo has to stick to the rules, or else her mother will lose their flat and they
Übersetzt von), Karl Kurt Peters (Übersetzt von), Cäcilie Heinig (Übersetzt von), Else
Illustriert von), Thyra Dohrenburg (Übersetzt von), Karl Kurt Peters (Übersetzt von), Else
Übersetzt von), Anna-Liese Kornitzky (Übersetzt von), Senta Kapoun (Übersetzt von), Else