Mesalina saudiarabica – Bibliografie
. & Els, J. & Mayer, W. (2017) – Cutting the Gordian Knot: Phylogenetic and ecological
Meintest du essen?
. & Els, J. & Mayer, W. (2017) – Cutting the Gordian Knot: Phylogenetic and ecological
. & Els, J. & Togndelli, M.F. (2012) – The Conservation Status and Distribution
The savanna areas include birds species found nowhere else in the country and further
Els enclis Abdessamad Ennoury entomokot Peter Erb Purevee Erdenetushig Valeri Eremchenko
Els enclis Abdessamad Ennoury entomokot Peter Erb Purevee Erdenetushig Valeri Eremchenko
. & Els, J. & Togndelli, M.F. (2012) – The Conservation Status and Distribution
The savanna areas include birds species found nowhere else in the country and further
. & Els, J. & Carranza, S. (2018) – Hidden in the Arabian Mountains: Multilocus
Thus, all else being equal, females would achieve a higher performance than males
. & Els, J. & Burriel-Carranza, B. & Tejero-Cicuéndez, H. & Carranza, S. (2021) –