Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: elsen

Meintest du essen?

‘Netherworldly’ freshwater fish named for Thai conservation visionary – Research News

At first glance, Garra surinbinnani looks like a stout, brown minnow with the face of a boxer who’s gone one too many rounds. But the deep gash in its forehead studded with blue spikes is a natural feature whose function remains a mystery. Discovered by Florida Museum of Natural History researche
“He probably knew more about Thung Yai than anyone else.

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A Brief History of the Randell Research Center, Part 3: 2004-2023 – Randell Research Center

As part of our celebration of the RRC’s 25th anniversary, we invited Bill Marquardt, RRC’s co-founder and first director, to summarize some of the key events in its history. Close your eyes for a minute and listen. Unless you are hearing-impaired, you are likely to notice something – traffi
There is nothing else like it, and it is worth it.

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Crawling out of history: The Grand Turk tortoise – Research News

My Hero by Billy Collins Just as the hare is zipping across the finish line, the tortoise has stopped once again by the roadside, this time to stick out his neck and nibble a bit of sweet grass, unlike the previous time when he was distracted by a bee humming in the heart of a wildflower.
Nowhere else in the Caribbean have the bones of sea turtles been found in such abundance

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Collections Data Copyright and Use Information – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

Collections data provided by the University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS), Florida Museum of Natural (FLMNH) either through the web catalog or via data files are subject to the following usage conditions: 1. These data are copyright protected by the University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS), Florida Mus
altmax Numeric 4 Altitude in meters, highest measure if a range is given, else blank

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Liz Wing: A portrait in persistence – Research News

Elizabeth “Liz” Wing arrived at the University of Florida in the mid-1950s with little more than a suitcase, less than a decade after the school began accepting women. As a master’s student with an incurable curiosity for “anything that cracked or crawled,” Wing was interested in animal anatomy a
there’s no difference in the quality of a woman’s research as opposed to anyone else

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Quick Guide to PLabel for Windows – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

The „Active File“ The active file is one of the user created data files where labels are stored. This file is a Microsoft Visual FoxPro table composed of a file ending with the *.plw extension and another ending with *.fpt (e.g., MyPlabelFile.plw, MyPlabelFile.fpt). These two files are critical if
The family will not print if anything else is entered.

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Museum Bylaws – About Us

Mission Statement of the Florida Museum of Natural History The Florida Museum of Natural History is Florida’s state museum of natural history, dedicated to understanding, preserving and interpreting biological diversity and cultural heritage. Legislative Mandate for the Florida Museum of Natural H
collections manager, one representative from the Office of Museum Technology, and anyone else

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Pelagic Elasmobranch Bibliography – Florida Program for Shark Research

This bibliography is an initial attempt at providing a listing of publications dealing with the thirteen species of elasmobranchs addressed at the International Pelagic Shark Workshop held at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California on 14-17 February 2000. While not considered inc
Tots els peixos del Mar Català. I. Llistat de cites i referències.

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