Each ELSE IF block provides a Booleanslot for a condition to test and a script slot
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Each ELSE IF block provides a Booleanslot for a condition to test and a script slot
Step 2: Modify the script with the „if else“ conditional such that the pen is „down
, and wantedto dash forward and cried, strike home, in every swabian’s name, or else
If it succeeds, nothing else happens.But if it has an error (something that would
= „“) { return str.slice(start,end);} else { return str.slice(start);}Allows reading
If it succeeds, nothing else happens.But if it has an error (something that would
If it succeeds, nothing else happens.But if it has an error (something that would
If it succeeds, nothing else happens.But if it has an error (something that would
values you return from „bind“ and the parameter names.I’ve added „if .. then .. else
If it succeeds, nothing else happens.But if it has an error (something that would